Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Experiment Three: The Bridge
Week Three: Development of bridge, elevators and dining table 

Jonathan Ive's Bridge Space

Jonathan Ives space consist of a complex tunnel or angulation of rectangular shaped prisms with many channels and openings, starting from these very small light holes to very large view windows towards the middle of the bridge.  This represents his innovative and iconic status to change and develop apple over time.  This is represented through a tight entering into his office, however opening to a large and increasingly illuminated space into the distance. Overall the entire bridge is entwined in the landscape and heavily relate to its surroundings. The lift floats at the bottom of the bridge with little idea of which office is the lift to the naked eye.

This will symbolise Jonathan’s influence to revolutionise apple leaving consumer baffled of what’s next with this multi-million dollar corporation. The bridge originally influence by a hand drawing of mine shows the obsessive presence of Ive in the valley, from the surreal juxtaposition of the way the structure is held up with four small cables it definitely demonstrates his unique rise to power and perfection with apple. How can someone that started from nothing be held up by millions of consumers that never knew he existed ? , this is what is represented through his office space and elevator.    
The Meeting Space 

The Meeting Space for Jonathan and Oprah is located in a central part of the valley floor. Easily assessable after arriving on their elevators they both can find this shaded area to talk and converse business ideas to each other. The dining table is projected out of the terrain and is uniquely shaped to represent power as originating from nothing. Power can come from, attracting popularity, winning countless awards and achievements and most of all surpassing others and your own absolute limit. Both Jonathan and Oprah have reached their absolute limit, this is symbolised by the shape engraved in the table growing larger and expanding towards the end.

Oprah Winfrey's Bridge and the Connection to Ive's 

Oprahs’ bridge structure revolves around the central idea of a structure that hugs the landscape and Ives space. Tentacle like structural vines will spring of in many directions like a cage that protects and casts shadows on the bridge. This is derived from here generous and loving personality supporting the world around her.  The bridge was originally influence by a range of hand drawings and developments. The bridge consists of two offices that are located beneath the bridge path. This is where Oprah will continue to work and operate her business. The elevator spurs off to the left as the structure, enticing the extravagant view and rough terrain of the hoover dam environment. 

Overall the bridge heavily supports Oprah’s open-handed rise to power and stardom. As the bridge flows into her office spaces, and at the same time seamlessly spanning over the valley.  This symbolises her generosity to bring together and hold thousands of Americans and people around the world together. The bridge also generates a sense of weightlessness as the office spaces float beneath the bridge. This represents the weight she’s has taken off many people shoulders giving them a better quality of life, or allowing them to overcome things they never have.
Experiment Three: The Bridge
Week Three: Terrain and valley developed 

Experiment Three: The Bridge
Week Three: 36 Textures in relation to Movement as linear, rotational and a scalar translation. 

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Experiment Three: The Bridge
Week Two: Creating a moving entity in Sandbox2 & Images from first person point of view on the elevator. 

Sketch-up Models and Original Concepts  

Oprah Winfrey's Bridge Space
Jonathan Ive's Bridge Space
Experiment Three: The Bridge
Week Two: T-Shaped Prisms and their relationship to point of view and the theme of power (Two Point perspective). 

Experiment Three: The Bridge
Week One: Client Mash Up 

Power comes from a person’s success and the ability to change society. Power is the inner sanctum to perfection. The most influential people, designers and entertainers of the modern ages have this iconic, near mythical status. Power has an incalculable impact for whoever achieves or is affected by it. Power has an obsessive presence with its ability to control and influencePower doesn’t only come from being the biggest company in the world or by being worth hundreds of millions of pounds. Power can come from, attracting popularity, winning countless awards and achievements and most of all surpassing others and your own absolute limit. 

Power is to rise, be worshiped, push over the line and take the world by storm. Crucial knowledge and the ability to endlessly seek is the remarkable procedure in order to generate power. A greater intrigue may be its massive interest around the world, some lucky to have it, other pushing boundaries for it. Most of all Power is renowned for its elaborate revolutionising influence on its followers, and its surreal desire by many.

Oprah Winfrey –
(Last accessed on 17/05/2011 Author: Jo Casamento, December 19, 2010 )
Lady Gaga –
(Last accessed on 17/05/2011 Author: Natalie Hambly, March 25, 2010)
(Last accessed on 17/05/2011 Author: Rob Waugh, 20th March 2011)

The Idea
Chosen Clients: Oprah Winfrey and Jonathan Ive

Oprahs’ idea is a structure that hugs the landscape and Ives space. Tentacle like structural vines will spring of in many directions like a cage that protects and casts shadows on the bridge. This is derived from here generous and loving personality supporting the world around here. Jonathan Ives space on the other hand will consist of a complex tunnel with many channels and openings, starting from these very small light holes to very large view windows towards the midIdle of the bridge.  This represents his innovative and iconic status to change and develop apple over time.  This may be represented through a tight entering into his office, however opening to a large and increasingly illuminated space into the distance. Overall the entire bridge is entwined in the landscape and heavily relate to its surroundings


Experiment Three: The Bridge
Week One: The Valley inspired by selected clients home country 

The Valley I have selected for Experiment Three is Hoover Dam. Known as the black canyon, Hoover Dam is located on the border of US states Arizona and Nevada. Considered to be the world’s largest dam and an engineering phenomenon at the time of its construction in the 1930s, Hoover Dam brings much-needed water and power to the Southwest of America.  With Oprah Winfrey and Jonathan Ive as my clients, Hoover Dam was chosen in relation to Oprah’s country of origin so that my design has a strong connection to a real place in the world. Even though there is a recent bypass bridge project being built over the Colorado River my bridge will span further down the valley with a much more distinct and unique presence. 

Images sourced from - (last accessed on 17/05/2011 Author: ©, Updated 2010-2011)

Arial view of valley
View of valley floor

 Experiment Three: The Bridge
Week One: SandBox2 Valley Inspired by Hoover Dam  

My Valley Inspired by Oprah Winfrey’s country of origin, the United States. This custom landscape was created in SandBox2 using a range of modify and terrain texture tools so that I could closely match the Hoover Dam environment.

Experiment Three: The Bridge
Week One: T-Shaped Prisms and their relationship to point of view and the theme of power (One Point perspective)