Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Experiment 2: Week One - Hypothesis for each client

Issac Newton
·         Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction
·         The rate of heart loss of a body is proportional to the difference in temperatures between the body and its surrounds
·         Colour is a creation from light rather than objects transmitting colour
·         Once in motion, an object will continue until acted upon by and external force
·         Men who wear wigs can be famous without having to be a drag queen or transvestite

Sigmund Freud
·         There is a physiological teaching that makes it possible to interpret dreams
·         Personality is developed by a person’s childhood experiences
·         Dreams are a way of exploring the unconscious
·         Sexual abuse was responsible for many of patients' neuroses and other mental health problems.
·         The nature of man is to be selfish

Maria Agnesi  
·         The centroid of a curve is the same as the centre part of a generating circle
·         A women cannot be appointed the professor of a university
·         A woman can write a book on mathematics
·         y = a3/(x2 + a2) where a is the amplitude, or height, of the curve at the origin (x=0)
·         A person can understand seven different languages.

 Experiment 2: Week One – Axonometric drawings relating to a Hypothesis above (Amalgamation of 5 rectangular prisms)  
Top: Sigmund Freud- “The nature of man is to be selfish”
Bottom: Maria Agnesi- “A person can understand seven different languages”
Top: Issac Newton – “Colour is a creation from light rather than other objects transmitting the colour”
Bottom: Issac Newton: Once in motion, an object will continue until acted upon by an external force”
Bottom: Maria Agnesi- “A woman cannot be appointed the professor of a university”

Axonometric Progression
Issac Newton- “Dreams are a way of exploring the unconscious”

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