Monday, 25 April 2011

Experiment 2: Week Three – File Front Link to my Crysis Wars Environment 


Experiment 2: Week Three – Final 10 rectangular prism amalgamation linked to Google Warehouse 

Experiment 2: Week Three – Final Crysis Wars Environment with detailed elements through to a final resolution

This image heavily relates to my Electroliquid Aggregation.  Showing the primary laboratory of Sigmund Freud the space is open however trapped beneath the weight of the structure. This is where people can dream as they are not aware of their time and occurrence. This is also a place the “unconscious” mind can be explored.  Normally cast in shadows at night the blue neon lights give a supernatural effect reinforcing the hypothesis. As the occupant walks and tests are conducted, the structure that first appears warm and dark opens into a very “conscious” meeting space that cantilevers over the water.
 The entire structure slits into the side of my terrain giving a very warm and enclosed experience. This is reflected in Issac Newtons Laboratory space. Rather than every wall made from structure I decided to engage the landform in order to create various spaces. In order to relate to my Electroliquid Aggregation I decided to wrap spaces around and behind the structure. A zigzag effect in the architecture explores the idea of moving objects as they comes into contact with the large exterior wall overhang, which extrudes from the side of the terrain.

Overall Both Clients laboratories and their meeting spaces are accessed by stairs, a large ladder and a path leading from the water to the left. Looking from the top down the structure is a vague cave that engages both hypothesises and the landform. Lighter textures have been applied to places that come into contact with the most Light. Darker textures however have been placed in places where little light enters or reflects. This gives the effect of a piece of architecture that accompanies its inhabitants with a dreary, cave like atmosphere until it is heavily illuminated at night.   

Experiment 2: Week Three – 36 Custom textures from Light to Dark 

(36), 6x6 squares representing an entire range of dark to light textures that can be applied to my Crysis Wars Model.  

Experiment 2: Week two – Hypotheses of two clients forming a “Electroliquid Aggregation”  

“Why still speak of the real and the virtual, the material and immaterial? Here these categories are not in opposition, or in some metaphysical disagreement, but more in an electroliquid aggregation, enforcing each other, as in a two part adhesive.”
Lars Spuybroek, [1998] Motor Geometry, Architectural Design, Vol 68 No 5/6, p5

Rewritten Hypothesis 
“Dream are a way of exploring into the unconscious mind, until we are woken by a conscious force”  

Through both Sigmund Freud’s and Issac Newton’s hypothesis an electroliquid aggregation has been formed. The piece of architecture that brings them together is not only designed for them however allows the testing of their experimental hypothesis. For example Sigmund Freud’s hypotheses of “Dreams are a way of exploring the unconscious” is reinforced in this piece of architecture. The large plane that cantilevers over the land form, disappears into a slit like space in the cliff. This represents a conscious space that a person can move freely move out of to explore their unconscious mind. Overall a dreamy approach has been taken to design. This can be seen as the client’s laboratory is only a small detail in the overpowering structure that tightly entraps the mountain terrain around it. Issac Newtons Hypotheses on the other hand “ An object will remain in motion until acted upon by an external force” is explored through the levels above Sigmund’s laboratory. I wanted a space that rapped around the structure engaging terrain and architecture. This space could explore the effects of various objects when acted upon, as the space comes to an abrupt end with a large wall that cuts through the mountain. The meeting space for both clients can be found on the large cantilevered platform. This is where both clients can further explore their ideas together with a close tie to the environment above, below and around them.      

Experiment 2: Week two – Development of Clients labs and meeting point in Crysis Wars 

Chosen Clients: Issac Newton & Sigmund Freud
“Once in motion, an object will continue until acted upon by an external force”
“Dreams are a way of exploring the unconscious”
Experiment 2: Week two - Parallel projections (Amalgamation of 10 rectangular prisms)  
Clients: Issac Newton & Sigmund Freud
“Once in motion, an object will continue until acted upon by an external force”
“Dreams are a way of exploring the unconscious”
Clients: Sigmund Freud & Issac Newton
“The nature of man is to be selfish”
“Colour is a creation from light rather than other objects transmitting the colour”
Clients: Maria Agnesi & Sigmund Freud
“A woman cannot be appointed the professor of a university”
“The nature of man is to be selfish”
Experiment 2: Week One- Crysis Wars Environment

"Dreams are a way of exploring the unconscious"

This amalgamation of five rectangular prisms reflects the hypothesis of Sigmund Freud. As a piece of architecture that explored the unconscious mind I thought of firstly a large shape, this could be the place the occupant spends most of their day becoming the conscious space where they move and think. The four prisms however climbing well above the base prism are places of sleep and relaxation. This is where the occupant dreams as they are not aware of their time and occurrence. The space in between, cast in shadows represents this dreamy cave where they can explore their ‘unconscious mind’. The entire structure slits into the side of my terrain giving a very warm and enclosed experience. Accessed from the top, the progression down each level is also reflective of the exploration of the unconscious mind. As the occupant walks, the structure that first appears warm and dark opens into a very conscious space that cantilevers over the water.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Experiment 2: Week One – Google Sketch Up model of Drawing

Pair of Axonometric drawings taken from class and developed in Google Sketch Up.
Issac Newton- “Dreams are a way of exploring the unconscious”